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Venla Mustonen: Getting to know you

(Piece 4, chain 2. In respose to Sara Røisland Torsvik)

"Getting to know you is a response to SART kompani’s piece Respira. My personal take-away from the piece was the feminine, which emerged through the water and in the water. In my response, instead of looking at the feminine through the free-flowing, life-giving and essential element, I looked at myself as a woman through two elements. Getting to know you is about getting to know me based on how I apply make-up and how I move in underwear. What do you think you know about me after?"


Venla Mustonen is a dance artist working in Helsinki. Lately she’s been thinking about the statement ’’the way a person does one thing, is the way they do everything’’.

Instagram: @mustosvee


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